Vocalist & Singing Coach
Strengthen your voice with Shelley as a vocal coach or enjoy her own vocal stylings as a live performer, studio session singer, or recording artist.
Vocal Coach
I help anyone from aspiring singers to choirs to professional performers improve their voice & elevate their career!
With my trademarked program, Shape My Voice™, I establish strong foundations for a healthy voice with my clients without getting stuck in the anatomy jargon. By distilling years of teachers, doctors, and research into easy to digest techniques, we can build on this strong foundation for fantastic results whether you’re just learning to sing or are a seasoned professional.

Professional Singers
Do you have an important performance, session, or audition coming up? Work with me to push your skills to the next level so you can land that part.

Aspiring Singers
Do you want to learn to sing? Work with me to build a healthy foundation and find your voice. With healthy techniques on your side, we can build you to a superstar voice in no time!

Worship Leaders
Do you lead performances at a church? Work with me to learn how to elevate individual and group performance to more effectively lead your congregation.
Schedule a 30 Minute Evaluation!
Schedule a 30-minute evaluation to talk more about your specific needs as a singer!
Studio Vocalist & Live Performer
I help track vocals and perform with a variety of genres, bands, and brands!
Need a vocalist for your recording session or a live performance? Reach out with details on my contact page, schedule a 30 minute evaluation to discuss details, or press play to listen to my demo reel! You can find additional demos here.
Demo Reel

Professional Singing
I have worked with artists such as Johnny Mathis, Dolly Parton, Donna Summer, Sandi Patty, Ray Boltz, and Bill Gatiher both in the recording studio and in concert. I continue to record and perform with a wide array of artists along the West Coast.

Commercial Singing
I have worked with Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Fazoli’s, and many other companies in recording commercials for their brands. I am open to continuing work as a studio vocalist in the advertising realm.
Free 5-point singing warm up checklist + Free Training video!
Shape My Voice!
As a singer and songwriter, I help empower others to find their voice beyond the studio through my own story and creative works.
When I stand before a mountain or watch a sunrise or sunset, I am reminded that there is something greater than myself. As I seek to know the greater, I know the GREATER also has a face. I want to stand before the One Who has Created.
My latest song ‘Holy’ reveals the heart of this moment. Listen now on Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, YouTube, Deezer, and iHeartRadio, and if it moves you like it does me, share with your friends and follow along for more to come!
As a survivor of domestic abuse, it’s important to me to empower women to believe in themselves – to trust their instincts, to find support when leaving bad situations, and to break free from shame to pursue their dreams. These themes are heard throughout my original music like Mr. Nightmare and in my YouTube series where I talk with other survivors about red flags and how to find support.
Listen to Mr. Nightmare, an autobiographical song about my experience.
If you currently feel unsafe or are in need of support, please call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE or visit their website.